Sexual Harassment

Sexual harassment is unwanted conduct that is sexual in nature which violates your dignity or creates an intimidating, hostile, degrading, or offensive environment for you.

The Equality 2010 protects employees, workers, job applicants and self-employed people hired personally to do the work from sexual harassment at work.

Below are some examples of sexual harassment:

  • Questions about your sex life
  • Offensive jokes
  • Propositions
  • Advances or making promises in return for sexual favours.
  • Making sexual comments or jokes about someone's sexual orientation or gender reassignment.
  • Emails/social media messaging with content of a sexual nature.
  • Displaying or sharing pornographic or sexual images, or other sexual content
  • Touching someone against their will, for example hugging them

Employers should do all they reasonably can to protected staff from sexual harassment. All complaints of sexual harassment should be taken very seriously and investigated in a fair and sensitive manner.

If you have suffered sexual harassment within the workplace and required support and advice, or if you are an employer and require assistance in training managers or introducing a sexual harassment policy, please contact our specialist team of Employment Lawyers on 0345 646 0406 or fill in our online enquiry form and a member of our Team will be very happy to assist.