Employment Investigations

Our Employment Team are experts in undertaking employment investigations for example when an employee has made complaints of bullying and harassment or has blown the whistle on illegal or unlawful conduct within the business. Our Team can act as independent investigators to provide a fresh pair of eyes to highly challenging or complex issues or where management feel that they are too close to events.  We can also assist where a business’ existing legal advisors have a conflict of interest.

Although each investigation is different it will typically involve interviewing the individuals concerns and reviewing all relevant documents.  This can be done in person at your offices or remotely as best suits the circumstances.  We will then collate all of the relevant details and provide our conclusions and recommendations which we will then present to the business in a report.

How can we help you?

It is important when investigations are undertaken that they balance being thorough with being swift and that they are dealt with sensitively and without alienating those involved.  Our experienced team of lawyers and HR consultants can call on many decades of employment law and employee relations experience to help ensure that the investigations are dealt with appropriately and with business common sense.

As a part of Nockolds’ broader team of commercial lawyers we can also call upon further expertise when the issues we are investigating cross over into other spheres such as into commercial and corporate law.