Business Restructures

With pace of business life becoming ever faster employers are constantly needing to refine and adjust their business structures and practices and in particular their staffing structures. Importantly this can happen because of difficulties within the business but also where positive changes are made, such as expansion of the business or the adoption of new technology. Ensuring that you have the right staff in the right seats is fundamental to business success.

Often these changes are incremental, for example recruiting a new employee for a new role or replacing someone who has departed. However sometimes a more fundamental change is required, for example reducing the workforce or closing a department or area of your business. This can become particularly painful where long standing and valued employees are potentially affected. 

How can we help you?

Nockolds Employment Team is extremely experienced in helping businesses to navigate these changes and seeking to ensure that all legal requirements are met whilst ensuring that the outcome is achieved. We can assist in anything from a re-negotiation of employment terms to a full redundancy consultation. 

The key to any successful business restructure is preparation and our specialist team will help you plan and execute the changes you need.