Pedestrians and Cyclists Having Rights on the Road – Are We All Going to Hell in a Handcart?

By Peter Dodd


The government have recently announced proposed changes to the Highway Code. One of the changes focuses on ‘vulnerable road users’. This can be clumsily explained by providing more protection for those who are not shrouded in metal. Exoskeletons (or humans) and exoskeletons balancing on two wheels (cyclists) for instance.

These strange classes of road users (as opposed to propelled metal boxes) are now more apparent in the environment (or on a road in a town near you). This is due to the government’s green initiative advocating walking and cycling more. An added bonus is that it may also be good for our health too.

Drivers can forget that the Highway Code classes a road user as including pedestrians, those on horseback (exoskeleton on an exoskeleton) and cyclists. From my observations recently where cars stopping at pedestrian crossings, it often appears to be an optional for a motorist. Perhaps it’s not a bad thing for the government to ask drivers to look out for the more vulnerable road users to any injury or a death by beefing up the Highway Code.

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