Speeding Fines and Who is the Winner?

Peter Dodd

The RAC has reported that almost a million speeding tickets were issued using numbers from the top ten speeding hotspots in England. Data was recorded from January 2021 to January 2022.

23 police forces out of 44 responded to the freedom of information (FOI) request. It may be therefore reasonably safe to assume that the number of drivers issued with tickets could be doubled?  And this does not include the number of drivers who contested the fixed penalty or who could not be offered it (because of the high speed).

For the police forces and/or the government (the monies go into what is called a ‘consolidated fund’) then this is a lot of money (hundreds of millions). If speeding fines and points are a deterrent you have to ask the question is this working? After all speed kills. We should know and all accept this. However it is a lot of cash to earn from motorists who then have to pay more as their car insurance will also increase. For insurers it is all about risk and speeders are higher risk.

Should we have more courses offered and undertaken? If libraries give us power then education should be promoted. I’d like to see a FOI request answered for the number of courses offered and taken up in a 12 month period to comment further on this.

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